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Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality

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Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality This lean management tool, also referred to as lean manufacturing, deals with the processes that are being identified and examined in a value stream mapping business. This is accomplished by giving each distinct activity that adds value to a process, service, or product a value, and then mapping these activities appropriately.

Benefits of Value Steam Mapping

  1. identifies any procedures that detract from the final good or service and can be improved.
  2. improves the process flow’s overall visual representation.
    serves as the foundation for an implementation strategy.
  3. demonstrates the connections between the flow of information and materials.
    This instrument aids in overseeing the process of change.
  4. increases the value for the customer by enabling the business to view things from their point of view.

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality ,Representatives from every department within the processes being mapped should be included in the team-based value stream mapping (VSM) process. A facilitator with prior experience in value stream mapping is required. This individual may be from the company’s internal or external ranks.

Value Stream Stages

The Value Stream Mapping Process consists of six essential processes, as shown in the picture below:

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality
Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality


Finding the value stream is the first step in this process, after which you must choose whether to map “material and information flow” or just “information.” The next step is to secure the support of the leadership. This is possibly one of the most crucial steps because the VSM will fail if the leadership does not support it. Since they would be impacted by this development, stakeholders must also be identified.

Starting a VSM with the goal of improving a certain area of the business should not be done if the stakeholders are unaware of it at first and then learn about it, since this could lead to resistance. Finally, it is critical that the VSM’s goal be effectively conveyed throughout the organization to guarantee that everyone is in agreement.

Additionally, you must choose the procedure level. This might be:

  1. Order to dispatch procedure (from the moment the sales department gets an order until it is shipped to a customer)
  2. Idea to introduce (more associated with research and development or engineering). The period between the idea’s inception and launch
  3. Department/Business unit level (identify the beginning and ending of a process for a certain department inside an organization, then look into it.

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality ,For a single product or a group of similar products, there should be a single map that tracks the product’s journey from producer to consumer. This is due to the fact that mapping several different items together will result in information overload.

Define Objectives and Scope

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, This stage has to do with measuring success, which could entail defining the parameters of the process and providing an explanation of the significance of the change. The question, “Why is this important?” must be addressed. Why is change necessary? What exactly is the issue? How does good look? And what benefits the client?

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, For instance, you might want to examine how administration handles a specific procedure and demonstrate that the current one causes annoyance throughout the company and lengthens lead times. If the modification you are suggesting doesn’t benefit the customer, you might want to reconsider.

Map the current state

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, This step entails establishing “swim lanes” of responsibilities, which facilitate the definition of accountability. The process map may be sketched first, and then developed on A3 sheets or sticky notes to map the present condition. Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality,  One advantage of using sticky notes is that they are portable. The disparities in how people see the same procedure as a result of changing viewpoints will surprise you. Gathering the information will also be a part of this step, which entails talking to a pertinent process specialist and getting a general grasp of the state of affairs. After that, compare the current state of your organization using

  1. Cycle Time: The amount of valuable time spent on a particular activity or process step by an individual or group.
  2. Lead Time: The amount of time needed to finish a task
  3. Right First Time %: The proportion of information-based work that is accurate and comprehensive the first time, without the need for revisions or additional explanation.

Waste Identification

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, It will be simple to determine which portions of the present process are producing waste by mapping the current situation. This step will entail a great deal of ideation for enhancements based on examining the eight lean wastes and determining which ones apply. The things that don’t improve the process can then be divided into those that can be reduced or completely removed.

Map the future state

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, After a map has been made to show the current condition of the company, another map can be made to show the ideal state of the company going forward. This is crucial because it will provide a common vision and objective for the business and all of its employees. Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, When creating the map that looks to the future, anything that has been identified as “waste” from the existing state of the company will be eliminated. As shown in the above table, the eight lean wastes will be taken into account when eliminating this waste in order to determine what is necessary and what may be eliminated.

  1. Where do customers or team members get irritated?
  2. Which of these actions puts the rest of the process at a standstill?
  3. Which of these processes has the most delays or is the most timely?
  4. Where do prices rise and fall?

Action Plan and Implementation

Value Stream Mapping A Lean Management In Quality, It is crucial that some good ideas emerge from this brainstorm, as is the case with any good brainstorm. All that has been accomplished is a few wall-mounted photographs in the absence of an action plan and execution. Ideas must be categorized into the following groups for this last stage of the VSM process:

Rapid profits
Research is necessary.
Adjustment of functionality
Money is needed.

A timeline and the stakeholders in charge of these tasks should be included in the action plan that is created from these categories. Following the creation of the action plan, it should be put into action.

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